Joining me this week to talk about his brand new book, Learning to Disagree: is the Sally D. Danforth Distinguished Professor of Law & Religion and Professor of Political Science (by courtesy) (bio page). Also check out his Substack here.
Cross & Gavel is a production of CHRISTIAN LEGAL SOCIETY. The episode was produced by Josh Deng, with music from Vexento.
With widespread protests on university campuses, the question of reconciling free speech and inclusion is more important than ever for instutitional integrity. Joining me this week to talk about this balance is professor of education, philosophy, and political science at the University of Pennsylvania, and author of Cancel Wars: How Universities Can Foster Free Speech, Promote Inclusion, and Renew Democracy — Sigal R. Ben-Porath.
Cross & Gavel is a production of CHRISTIAN LEGAL SOCIETY.
The episode was produced by Josh Deng, with music from Vexento. A special thanks to Nick and Ashley Barnett for their contribution in making this podcast possible.
Joining me this week to talk about how we can bridge the vices and virtues of our character gap is the A. C. Reid Professor of Philosophy at Wake Forest University, Christian Miller (more information). He is the author of several books on moral psychology, moral character, and honesty. The book in question for this episode is called The Character Gap: How Good Are We?, which can be purchased here.
1. Discussion on public witness and living with joy (Episode # 127).
2. Discussion on civility through the eyes of Montainge (Episode # 121).
3. Discussion on how to practice peacemaking (Episode # 114)
Cross & Gavel is a production of CHRISTIAN LEGAL SOCIETY.
The episode was produced by Josh Deng, with music from Vexento. A special thanks to Nick and Ashley Barnett for their contribution in making this podcast possible.